Friday, July 31, 2009

Bear Encounter by Garett

Yesterday when me and mom were down on the beach, Paul came out of the cabin of the Lazy Bay and says "Your neighbor said that there is a bear coming your way."  Mom looked to the end of the beach and saw the bear crossing the creek toward us.  Me, mom, and Emmett ran home.  Later the bear got to camp.  

In the middle of the night he broke the screen door in the Main Cabin and ate all of the chili that we had set out from dinner.  He also tried a few potatoes but didn't like them that much.

*pictures will follow


  1. Wow! Bear stories. Must have been some good chili. Love the pictures and the great descriptions of everything. Keep up the good work.

  2. We told Justin to stay away from those bears. Now we see, they won't stay away from camp. Watch our for those big guys! They look scary.

  3. The chili was good and we were bummed that we couldn't have it for lunch the next day! I think Justin is a bear magnet - that's all there is to it. Didn't have any problems when he wasn't here last year! He sleeps really near to where the porch is and didn't hear a thing. Guess we are working him hard :)

  4. I don't know how I feel about being married to a "bear magnet".... Although it does not bring me comfort to hear how close Justin sleeps to the porch, it does bring me comfort to hear that Leon has a gun. :)

    Oh, and Happy Birthday Emmett!!
