Today was bath day - yay! Even Lucy got a bath. There was a really low tide this morning so we got up and found all sorts of fun things. I'll write more about that later with some pictures. The other day we took a boat ride to the Lagoon which isn't too far from us. Our neighbor in Seattle, Bob, used to live there when he fished with his dad many years ago. We actually made a dining room table out of the door on his cabin last year! It is funny how connected things can get.
So anyhow, back to the Lagoon. We did a lot of beach combing and walking. The wildflowers are blooming now and they looked so pretty: lupine, wild geranium, shooting stars, violets, forget-me-nots, wild iris, and of course the dandelions! On the way back to the skiff, there was a seal in the water checking us out. They are so curious :) Other th
an that, we saw no other wild life. Lots of bear trails, tracks and poop though!
I sent this website to my cousin in South Carolina and she loves it. I'll show this to my students today.